Friday, April 16, 2010


Last night I had a dream after I realized I had not dreamnt in many nights. I was somewhere by the ocean in a place I have been before in my dreams. A place that kind of resembled the Point Loma Nazarene campus where I went to school, but minus all the buildings except for a few. I think my family was there and I know my father was for sure. I was wandering around when I found a blue and white vintage station wagon. The car had rotting fruit inside with nasty big flies and bugs on the rotting fruit. At 1st I walked by and then I felt compelled to return to the vehicle. I found the car was unlocked and I got in. I can't remember whether there were keys inside or not but I was able to drive it anyways. The fruit stench inside did not bother me but the flies did somewhat. I drove around the campus for a while until I came to a steep hill that decended into a turn at the bottom. I stopped at the top of the hill and briefly inspected the decline. Then I continued on down the hill. Suddenly, I realized I was drifting swiftly down it not putting on the breaks (though I was only slightly panicking or concerned of crashing) not concerned much whether there were breaks or not. At the bottom of the hill I plowed up onto an embankment where there was a wood cattle fence continuing in front. Where the tires hing over the little hill like embankment. Somehow I was able to get the car pulled out of the crash and began driving up the hill again when my dad appeared and he had seen the whole thing. I pulled over surprised to see him. He went to pull me from the car like he was concerned for me. He then caught the smell of the stinking rotting fruit and asked me, "Doesn't the smell bother you?" Where I answered, "No, but the flies do." He then went on to ask, "What are you doing driving this car? Where did you find it?" I replied, "Many women I know have driven this car and it was fine and seemed great for them." Then I realized that the fruit in the back did stink and that flies were even more annoying than ever and I got out and walked away with my dad. Some where in the dream was my dog CoCo, but I'm not sure whether she was in the car or where she fits in but I know she was there somewhere.