Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just a quote from my favorite author...

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and Naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord had taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:21

Skeleton Vision....

I had a vision waking up this morning of a series of paintings/artwork that would portray skeletons in everyday scenarios. Taking the dog for a walk, sitting on the toilet, making dinner, spending time as a family, ect. Then I would do a series of sculptures with the skeletons doing these things. My idea is that the skeletons would act as metaphors for how we are more than a body, how your time on earth is valuable, how your body is not who you are but rather only the shell of the person inside. Although our bodies are important carriers of aspects of our human traits, the do not make us who we are as people. They may allow or prohibit us from doing certain things important to our inner being but bodies do not define us, that is if we choose not to let them define us.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Art Walk Little Italy... Featured Artwork by Gerard Basil Strupling, Nihura, Andy Anh Ha, and Steven M. O'Connor...

OK, so before I begin I must say that I have been continually blessed. There have been so many blessings I feel I cannot even count!
Not to mention I was blessed with the ability to go to the Little Italy Artwalk 2010. There was so much art I was never expected to show up there and feel completely overwhelmed by the variation and variety that I saw! It was a very pleasant surprise. I walked through every aisle and peeked under every tent to see what there was to see. From what was there I found about five different artists that I thought were considerably notable among the many artists who exhibiting.
Gerard Basil Stripling.
The artwork by this artist was very nice. I really liked his use of broken objects to signify the present state of western society (left). Gerard has a theatre fashion based background from studying under the great costume designer, Bill Whitten. While traveling with Whitten he experienced lots of art and even studied under several artists along the way. He left the apprenticeship of Whitten in 2000 taking on his art full time. He has been mostly recently noticed as an influential artist for his sculpture and public art. He now resides in Laguna Beach, CA.

Steven M. O'Connor.
Steven's work (below) immediately drew me in because of the obvious graffiti inspired color and composition. In the same manner as Andy Ahn Ha, layers of paint and other media have been enriched and stretched to their means, then coated over with a glossy layer of resin. O'Connor strives to ask questions through his artwork that are sociological in nature. The best thing about O'Connor and Andy's work is that it inspired me to ask:

What does the resin do for the painting? I am a big fan of things coated in resin. Yet, what does it say about the artist's intentions. Is the resin coating merely a means of making the art appear finished? Or rather is is the glossy high sheen of the resin that makes these types of paintings sexier and more inviting? Not that the content of the work is irrelevant but as an artist the materials are key. I am always trying to ask, what do the materials have to say for themselves? Could we all benefit from putting a layer of resin on every piece of art? Would it be sexier and more alluring or cut the viewer off from the real texture of the art?
I have been working diligently on all my art. Yesterday I started a woodcut print that might take me some time to finish. Nonetheless, it is an exciting time to be an artist. Taking the time to examine all parts of your life and then create from that reflects a very interesting mix of what is important and unimportant in one's life. Devoting yourself to this kind of introspection is something we all should do throughout our lives.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ohh and just a few more things because I'm comlpetely and incompetently A.D.D.

Art Meets Fashion is the title of a new event that is coming to San Diego. I am going to the info session tonight. I really am counting on this being something big. I really want it to be something wonderful, at least more than I have let on to those close to me. I have been thinking in the back of my mind what to wear all day and whether to bring anything with me they might want to see. Anyway, I will let you know what happens tomorrow.
I didn't really do anything today as far as art goes. But for me "didn't really" means I did do something.The picture on the left side here shows how I cut into this wood canvas. It's so lovely to make messes sometimes. I think I am going to make a triptych of textures and shapes in the style of some of the other things I have done. It is evolving as many things do when you are thinking about them and studying how they work.
Just addressing my limited work today and yesterday. I think I am processing a new turn in this kind of work. It seems that I need some time of introspection before I begin working on what I am processing. Planning also is what I realize I am doing. I get feeling about things and run with them. But I always research 1st. I did research yesterday and a little today. I came to the conclusion I'm not terribly fond of the new paintings by Jeff Koons. They make me nervous and feel chaotic. Maybe they are supposed have that affect? Probably...
I'm still painting but wondering at the same time what is the connection between my fabric stuff I'm making and my paintings? Just doing a lot of thinking.
One last thing, I may begin featuring art of some of my friends and peoepl's art I have come into contact with recently. They are all 20 somethings, waiting for a break, similar to myself. Just to name some people I might contact about featuring; Cora Lim, THD David, maybe stuff by my friend Megan, if I can get in contact with my friend Matt Mahoney or a few people from PLNU years past. Wes Bruce, find Wes! OK TTYL! Don't miss me too much!

Art Meets Fashion....Should this be the title of my life?

Well, today should be a very interesting day. Wait...back up let's talk about yesterday 1st. So yesterday, I networked and painted and then stretched (more like laid or draped) some shiny pink fabric over a canvas.
This got me thinking how I have a lot of great fabric to use but I have not went looking for inspiration in my favorite places to find inspiration in some time. So I went to my favorite fabric store in the Ghetto and stopped into Dick Blick for some art supplies because I had a coupon. I went to Dick Blick's first, I made a list beforehand: printmaking supplies, oil paint, drying racks (if they're cheap, they weren't), and anything else I needed to get that would make my art making a better and more inventive process. I found $260.00 worth of great stuff. I forgot to add that all day yesterday and most of today it rained. This rarely puts me in the art making mood...I hate that!
So CoCo was with me and I let her out of the truck to make sure she didn't need to pee and run around for a second. She always freaks out when I get back in the car so it was nice to let her get down off that "mommy's back" high. Love that dog.
On the road again down south of downtown a little closer to the border, but considering our proximity to it, not that far. I made sure CoCo was happy and I went inside the fabric mecca. It really is one of my favorite places.... I usually start on the right side of the store winding my way through the fabric, touching everything that draws my eye, occasionally letting out a few, "ohhhh" and "oh wow! really?" expressions as I walk through. Mostly what I look for is cheesy and garish. Things you wouldn't find the most sane of people wearing. I guess the only person I could actually dress in the fabrics I look for would be Lady Gaga. When all was said and done and the adorable petite Asian clerk went to cut my fabric into lengths, not forgetting her suspicious looks in my direction. I came out with a couple of sheer fabrics, a large bolt of Caucasian nude glossy fabric, some Caucasian nude spandex fabric, and some sheer neon yellow glittery fabric. It was a very successful trip although I did forget a huge thing of foam behind that I'm not sure they charged me for.
Finally,and thtas how I felt because I was starving by this time, I had to run one more errand up to Poway area to return something I bought for our bathroom. I took the long way there because it was about 4 pm by this time and traffic would be backing up on the 8 and 15 fwys. The drive into the country reminded me to be grateful for the close proximity of everything I needed on a daily basis. It also reminded me that our earth is very alive. I thought as I was driving how lush it looked and how spring had sprung. It made me happy to be alive. After I made my return I continued home the regular way down the 15 to the 163.
At home my husband and I spent the evening in and out together. He watched part of a movie with me (Julie and Julia). The movie based on a novel by Julie Powell was terribly inspiring. The story validated my venture for blogging whether or not anyone reads it. It also validated the fact that we all have dreams, whether big or small. We all strive and dream for some thing and for some reason.
My dream is art and helping others through art. My dream is to make things that bring joy and encourage people to have hope. I want to make people smile in gushy warm and snickering kind of way. Like you do when you and your best friend have a inside joke only you and she understand.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What a wonderful interview....

I came upon an interview in the NY Times with Jean Philippe Delhomme. I was pleased with how succinct he was in talking about current events of the art and fashion world. It was inspiring to read what he said about what creative people must do in times of recession.

"The most important thing is to work. When there is no money, you can stop working and really get into a state of desperation. You have to keep on doing things, whether the economy is going to get back into shape or not. In fact, there are lots of people blogging and content that is totally free. It’s a little bit crazy: who would have imagined that people would be working for free all the time? Business people’s creative input is making money, and during a recession they realize creative people might develop ways of working without financial support. So you have to fight the recession and more, but it’s always better to do something. Do your thing. The next one is: stand up for your work. You still have to fight for that. The third is to be optimistic."
-Jean Philippe Delhomme

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back in the swing....

WOW! What a busy weekend! One of my close friends was married and my friend Brittney came to stay. I had a lot of fun but it really wore me out for the week! I did paint yesterday but then I started a little late. It was 1:30 before I started mixing my colors. I have 2 paintings I started last week that should be really interesting to watch develop. Also, I need to get one or 2 paintings to the Queen Bee Gallery for sale and showing for the month of April/May. There is also the info session Wednesday for "Art Meets Fashion." I was watching a documentary last night that followed the events and people in the making of the September 2007 issue of Vogue. I guess in prep for the meeting Wednesday. It really is very interesting the lifestyle and business of fashion. The people who influence fashion are really such diverse people.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Last night I had a dream after I realized I had not dreamnt in many nights. I was somewhere by the ocean in a place I have been before in my dreams. A place that kind of resembled the Point Loma Nazarene campus where I went to school, but minus all the buildings except for a few. I think my family was there and I know my father was for sure. I was wandering around when I found a blue and white vintage station wagon. The car had rotting fruit inside with nasty big flies and bugs on the rotting fruit. At 1st I walked by and then I felt compelled to return to the vehicle. I found the car was unlocked and I got in. I can't remember whether there were keys inside or not but I was able to drive it anyways. The fruit stench inside did not bother me but the flies did somewhat. I drove around the campus for a while until I came to a steep hill that decended into a turn at the bottom. I stopped at the top of the hill and briefly inspected the decline. Then I continued on down the hill. Suddenly, I realized I was drifting swiftly down it not putting on the breaks (though I was only slightly panicking or concerned of crashing) not concerned much whether there were breaks or not. At the bottom of the hill I plowed up onto an embankment where there was a wood cattle fence continuing in front. Where the tires hing over the little hill like embankment. Somehow I was able to get the car pulled out of the crash and began driving up the hill again when my dad appeared and he had seen the whole thing. I pulled over surprised to see him. He went to pull me from the car like he was concerned for me. He then caught the smell of the stinking rotting fruit and asked me, "Doesn't the smell bother you?" Where I answered, "No, but the flies do." He then went on to ask, "What are you doing driving this car? Where did you find it?" I replied, "Many women I know have driven this car and it was fine and seemed great for them." Then I realized that the fruit in the back did stink and that flies were even more annoying than ever and I got out and walked away with my dad. Some where in the dream was my dog CoCo, but I'm not sure whether she was in the car or where she fits in but I know she was there somewhere.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happening! Happening!

Just a short little note to say...
I have worked all day
and now its time to play
weekends here
have no fear
we play and play til our hairs go gray!
Yaya for the weekend!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Lean not on your own understanding...."

Just to catch up from yesterday. The morning began a little rough when I felt a little icky and had to lay down and sleep for a little while. This was not such a bad idea it turned out though because sleeping for and hour and a half gave me lots of energy for the afternoon and evening. After I woke up I needed to do some grocery shopping then I came back and went straight to work. Due to this, I currently I have 4 paintings going simultaneously. I began another yesterday while trying to finish one that I'm doing for trade of my website. Thanks to Transformed Designs the company of my friends Elias and Danielle I have a site that features my work of my last show. Which then leads me to say, I spent some really quality time online researching different art endeavors to apply for. I stumbled upon a site,, I have been to it many times and realized I was not a registered artist. So I registered....I continued looking around sent e-mails to people I thought might be interested in my art or I might be interested in applying to be a part of showing my art to, ect., ect.. Wasted a few moments on Facebook connecting with people (but I guess connecting with people is never really a waste of time) and logged off after about an hour or more. The afternoon continued with painting, then greeting Casey as he came home, and getting dinner ready, taking Case to softball practice, running to Target and all the regular stuff that happens from day-to-day. Ok and if I'm being boring, here's the good part. I received this e-mail from a SDVAN (San Diego Visual Arts Network) coordinator who said she saw that I registered as an artist, went to my website and loved what she saw, namely my fogged cowboy boots. She then invited me to an info session detailing a project that seeks to connect the art and fashion industry in San Diego with the intentions of helping under privileged teens. Wawa wee wah!!! Super cool! Wherever this goes, to be complimented and asked to send images of the work was really nice. Check out the website about the "Art Meets Fashion" project: Anyway, to follow up on the title of this post God gave me a verse yesterday to help me see how I must trust Him and listen to hear His will for my life and not my own. Thanks Jesus! I do trust You and want Your will for my life because I know I can make the best and biggest impact possible when I search for your will.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Prverbs 3:5

Monday, April 12, 2010

An organized artist...Is that an oxymoron?

1) God works through Google. Google any question you want to ask God and I know you will find direction. God revealed to me today:

2) I have spent this last week organizing my studio. This was a blessing and it has given me renewed clarity. I promise. Clean a room in your house and you will clear space in your brain. Haven't we all learned that by now?

3) Just paint has paid off already. I have four new works in progress simultaneously.

OK. Good things happening. Back to work for a couple more hours.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Paint.

For me, an essential part to being an artist is having faith. I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all so that we may all come to know him and join Him in Heaven when we die.
This being said, my faith is an essential part of what I create. This past weekend was an affirmation of what God has been telling me to do for quite some time. I have heard the wisdom of God leading me to help others through my art work for many months but have questioned whether it was His voice I was hearing. It is unfortunate it has taken time and time again to hear this message but I know this time He got through.
I attend the Rock Church here in San Diego, Ca. I have to say that Pastor Miles is led by the spirit in such a strong way! Praise God for this!! Thanks to God's divine inspiration in this man I have been told through his sermons and his church the purpose in my life at least for the time being. What I want the most is God's will in my life, whatever that means. It is so refreshing and freeing to feel that you have finally gotten the message. Check out the sermon from Pastor Miles for his new series on doing God's will. It really might speak to you the same way the message spoke to me.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

REstoring Sanity

I woke up this morning, went for tea and coffee with "The Dulce" or better we call her "Sweet C", my brother Dave's lovely girlfriend. We met at 8:30 at Red's, a little place in Pt. Loma. The tea was exquisite and the conversation was better! ; ) Following this, I considered what I needed to do to restore my sanity.
It seems over the past 3 months I compromised things in and about my life that keep me sane. I let my time spent painting dwindle to barely an hour a week, payed too little attention to my sweet puppy, let our new home slip into a bit of a pig's sty and ignored the most important thing about me, my psyche. As I was pulling into our parking garage just now, I asked myself, "Is making more money but being emotionally disturbed better than doing what I love and making less money?"
The answer was that I really would like to be making the kind of money I was making at T.H.D. but without trying to accomplish my dreams I may end up less sane. Now with my father being a psychologist, I know how it looks to be "less sane" and it ain't pretty! Really though, there is nothing more important than using your God given talents to achieve goals that will eventually or immediately pay off, whether financially or spiritually.
So I drove to Pet's Mart to find some things to help CoCo feel more confident and stable in our home. She spends most the day with me since I quit T.H.D. and when she's acting up its really hard for me to work. So her being content is more valuable than just anything,her happiness is also linked to my personal sanity. This was just the 1st step in my "Restore Sanity" action plan. Backing up a little, I organized my studio yesterday and bought some lights I could use to work by at night. I also found some containers to organize small things like thread, screws, sequins, ect.. So much for all that (I feel like I may be rambling a little) so let's outline the action plan:
1) Organize Studio
2) Make puppy happy again
3) Clean up and organize house
4) Get re-aligned into the art community (become social art diva...)
5) Love and embrace the amazing opportunity at hand

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back from 2nd hiatus...

I quit my job at Home Depot. It felt sooo great. Also, I finished my 1st commission and spent some time in Bakersfield talking to parents and thinking about what it means to be an artist. I asked myself what it was that would be holding me back now from doing what I have set out to do? The answer is really myself. Now it is my responsibility to start making and never look back. I'm praying for God's will and that whatever comes of this it is blessed.